Crafting Kit

How to draw a bee

Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying summer break. I sure am and I am really glad it has just started.

Today I'm gonna show you how to draw a buzzing honey bee.

The steps are as follows:

1. Draw the outline of your honey bee.
2. Draw the eyes and tongue of your bee.
3. Draw the start of the antennae, legs and wings.
4. Draw the lines on the stinger.
5. Draw the general wing outline.
6. Make your antennae and legs longer.
7. Put designs on the wings.
8. Add a backdrop with a  flower and hills.

Hope you find it easy to draw. Tell me in the comments section what other things you want me to draw.

My artwork got selected

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing great. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I got a bit busy with school and spring cleaning.

I have an exciting news to share with you. BIG news. My artwork titled "Summer Beach" got selected for the summer edition of Boulder County Kids. Boulder County Kids is a newsletter that talks about different activities for kids in Boulder. They had a competition for their summer edition cover page. My friend's mom suggested I send my art and I did.

What a surprise when it got selected! Boulder County Kids came to my class and presented me with a  giant $50 check and a goodie bag. All my classmates got pencils as well. Everybody was so excited especially me. So here is the cover page and cover story and hope you can pick up a copy from your local grocery store as well.

Sorry about the creases; it was folded that way. You can see my picture on the cover story page. Hope you like my artwork and thank you for reading my blog!

How to make a festive mask

I went to Michaels looking for a craft for my spring break and found a plain white mask for a little more than a dollar. So I decided to spice things up and create a festive mask. 

Here are the supplies:

1. White plain mask
2. A pack of glitter powder
3. Some school glue
4. Sharpies
5. Pencil

Here are the steps:

1. Outline the mask with a black sharpie to decide what shapes and colors you want on it. If you like, you can draw designs on it.

2. Color the inside of the mask with a blue sharpie (or use whatever color you like).

3. I wanted to add cat eyes to the corner of the eye holes. Put glue in the corner of the eyes and sprinkle black glitter on it.  Tap out the excess glitter.

4. I used silver glitter for the top of my mask. Again add glue and sprinkle silver glitter on the top of the mask.

5. For the bottom I used magenta glitter. Use glue to keep the glitter on.

Our mask is ready. Take a look at the steps:

Hope you enjoy making your own festive mask! 

How to draw Zoe the husky

My class has been learning about the Iditarod. The Iditarod is a 1000 mile sled race in Alaska. A sled is pulled by 16 dogs at the start of the race and must end up with at least 5 dogs. The dogs wear little boots and coats to protect them from the cold. Sometimes there could be avalanches and dogs can get stuck in them. The person who rides the sled is called a musher. There is a checkpoint in middle of the race and when the sled gets there, there is a vet who looks at the dogs to see if they are ok. The mushers and the dogs get food at the checkpoints.  There are around 20 checkpoints in the 1000 mile race. The racers have to take one 24 hour break and two 8 hour breaks during the race.

So now that you know a lot about the Iditarod, let's learn to draw Zoe the husky.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Draw the eyes and nose of your husky in the middle of your paper.
  2. Draw the outline of the husky's head.
  3. Draw the body outline and a collar for your husky.
  4. Now draw some ribbon's on the dog's ear to make it look extra adorable!

How to draw a beautiful ball gown

In today's post I'm going to show you how to decorate a ball gown. Of course its not a real ball gown, lets decorate one on paper.

We start with a girl in a plain ball gown:
Isn't she cute?

Add layers of lace at the waist of the gown like here:

Now add a wavy string of tiny pearls in a curvy line. Then add a string of larger pearls around the middle of the skirt.

Decorate the poofy sleeves and some layers of lace that peak out from behind the dress.

Last but not the least, add a crown for your princess. Don't forget to add a title  and sign your name in the corner.

Now you have your princess in her stupendous gown.

How to draw Frosty the lil' penguin

Would you like to learn to draw a penguin? Penguins are very cute in my opinion. This is how you draw her:

First draw the outline of the penguin kinda like a curved triangle. Then draw the wings and cute lil' feet.

Draw an inner border to color in the black and add a cute face.

Color in the border black. Add a scarf and a little ponytail.

Wait! Your penguin is standing on nothing. Let's add a snowy background.

Icy peaks, an ice castle and a swirling winter storm! Thats where Frosty loves to live.
What's your penguin's name? 

Lollipop flower valentines

Its valentines day tomorrow. Did you make valentines? We have a valentines day party at school and I made valentines for my class. I made lollipop flower valentines. They are the yummiest valentines ever! This is what they look like:

Doesn't it look delicious?

Let's make them. Lets take a look at the supplies that you need:

  • Cupcake wrappers with 2 different designs (we need 6 cupcake wrappers for a flower)
  • Washi tape
  • Green pipe cleaners
  • Lollipops (I used Jolly Rancher lollipops)
  • Paper punch
  • Super cute treat bags
  • Scissors

For each lollipop flower, we need 6 cupcake wrappers. Fold two of them in half and the rest of them in quarters. Grab your paper punch and punch a hole in each one.

Grab your lollipops and slide the cupcake wrappers onto the stick overlapping them a little bit like in the photo below. The lollipop wrappers are the flower petals.

Take a green pipe cleaner and wrap it on the stick below all the cupcake wrappers. This will keep the cupcake wrappers from falling. I cut the pipe cleaner in half because it was pretty long.

Swirl the remaining length of the pipe cleaner around the lollipop stick to make it look like a flower stem. 

Slide your finished flower into a treat bag and label it with washi tape and a marker. There you have it, the so easy to make lolli-flowers.

What colors will you use?

It is my pleasure to mention that this idea has been inspired by this post. 
Thank you Cindy from Skip To My Lou for sharing this wonderful idea.

How to draw a cuuuute girl

In today's post, I'm going to show you how to draw a super duper cute girl. Follow along with me!

First draw the outline of your girl's head.

Next draw the shirt and torso.

Now draw the skirt or/and pants.

Put on some fancy shoes!

Now draw your girl's face.

Now add on a cute hairstyle!

Wait! Is your girl an alien floating in space? Lets add some background.
There you go. We have a super cute girl! Did you enjoy drawing it with me?

How to make mini flags for decoration

We have lots of washi tape at my home and so we decided to make mini flags. They can be used as bookmarks or decorations on your bulletin board or on photos.

I'm going to show you how I made my mini flags.

Here are the supplies you need - washi tape, scissors and toothpicks.

Once you have your supplies ready, you can start making your flags. Start by cutting a piece of washi tape, put your toothpick in the middle and stick the ends together. Cut a shape at the end of the tape that you stuck together.

You can make lots of flags using different color tape. These are some of my flags.

Try cutting out different shapes for the edge.

How to make Candy the cat

Do you have a plain old paper at home? Why don't you turn it into Candy the cat?
Here's how:

First print out the template below and cut out the cat shape.

Next draw Candy's face and the inside of her ears. Then color Candy's features. Add some polka dots and a cute lil' tongue.

Did you have fun decorating your cat? What will you call it?

How to decorate a cardboard box

I got a BIG cardboard box when we ordered stuff from Walmart. So I decided I would turn it into a mini house. I drew lots of designs in the mini house. I decorated the insides of the box like walls of the house. I also drew random pictures on the floor and outer flaps of the box.

Do you have a FUN box at home? Why don't you decorate it like a house? It will be lots of fun to play in.

Insides of the box

Outside Flaps 

The whole box

Have fun decorating your box!

How to draw a bee

Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying summer break. I sure am and I am really glad it has just started. Today I'm gonna show you ...