My artwork got selected

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing great. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I got a bit busy with school and spring cleaning.

I have an exciting news to share with you. BIG news. My artwork titled "Summer Beach" got selected for the summer edition of Boulder County Kids. Boulder County Kids is a newsletter that talks about different activities for kids in Boulder. They had a competition for their summer edition cover page. My friend's mom suggested I send my art and I did.

What a surprise when it got selected! Boulder County Kids came to my class and presented me with a  giant $50 check and a goodie bag. All my classmates got pencils as well. Everybody was so excited especially me. So here is the cover page and cover story and hope you can pick up a copy from your local grocery store as well.

Sorry about the creases; it was folded that way. You can see my picture on the cover story page. Hope you like my artwork and thank you for reading my blog!

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