How to draw a bee

Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying summer break. I sure am and I am really glad it has just started.

Today I'm gonna show you how to draw a buzzing honey bee.

The steps are as follows:

1. Draw the outline of your honey bee.
2. Draw the eyes and tongue of your bee.
3. Draw the start of the antennae, legs and wings.
4. Draw the lines on the stinger.
5. Draw the general wing outline.
6. Make your antennae and legs longer.
7. Put designs on the wings.
8. Add a backdrop with a  flower and hills.

Hope you find it easy to draw. Tell me in the comments section what other things you want me to draw.

My artwork got selected

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing great. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I got a bit busy with school and spring cleaning.

I have an exciting news to share with you. BIG news. My artwork titled "Summer Beach" got selected for the summer edition of Boulder County Kids. Boulder County Kids is a newsletter that talks about different activities for kids in Boulder. They had a competition for their summer edition cover page. My friend's mom suggested I send my art and I did.

What a surprise when it got selected! Boulder County Kids came to my class and presented me with a  giant $50 check and a goodie bag. All my classmates got pencils as well. Everybody was so excited especially me. So here is the cover page and cover story and hope you can pick up a copy from your local grocery store as well.

Sorry about the creases; it was folded that way. You can see my picture on the cover story page. Hope you like my artwork and thank you for reading my blog!

How to draw a bee

Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying summer break. I sure am and I am really glad it has just started. Today I'm gonna show you ...